Friday, 21 March 2014

I'm On A Boat

Remember that time I briefly had a blog when I first moved to DC? No? That's probably because perfectionism got the best of me and I was only able to get about 3 posts in before formatting issues drove me crazy! Remember that other time when I promised everyone that I would keep a blog in Tanzania, but that didn't work out either?! Me too. Let's all hope this one actually works out. Luckily the internet seems to be working well and I'm currently feeling compelled to keep this thing up! We'll see how it goes. I've never really been one to keep a journal!

For those of you wondering what in the world I'm doing, I offer you a brief summary of the past 3 weeks:
Thursday, February 27: My friend, Amanda White, calls to tell me the family she formerly nannied for, The Bloods, are still looking for someone to help them out while on their upcoming excursion to the Caribbean. (Amanda and I became close friends in DC where she nannied for an interesting family and I single-handedly saved third-world countries from natural disasters. Just kidding! Sorta.) Anyways, Amanda was originally going to go with the Bloods while on break from BYU-I, however, the boat wasn't ready at that time. She had asked me a few months ago if I wanted to go, but the boat still wasn't ready at the time. I hadn't thought about it since then.  

Friday, February 28 - Saturday March 7: I freak out about what to do with my life, which just happens to be no different from what I had been doing the previous six months! Yikes. Pro/con lists are made. Prayers are said. Conversations are had. Advice is given. And then...

Saturday, March 8: The decision is made to cruise around the Caribbean for the next 3 months! (Return date still unknown...)

Sunday, March 9 - 17: Continuous freaking out going on...

Monday, March 18: I suck it up, meet the entire Blood family at the airport for the first time, and embark on my next adventure! (I had formerly met David, the dad, and had spoken with Jenn, the mom, for a few hours on the phone. I also got to FaceTime the kids for about 40 min before leaving, but that's all!)

So...yeah. That's pretty much it! So crazy how much things can change in a month or so after nothing really happening for so long. Needless to say, I'm pretty grateful for this opportunity, even though the decision was a hard one to make. It's right up my alley - as many of you know I love kids, I love to travel, and I love the sun, sand, and sea! Combine all of that and I'm set!

I don't have a picture of the whole family yet, but here's a picture of the kids that I took today: 

{From L-R: Benjamin (6), Calvin (9), Isabel (8), Matthew (3), Savannah (11), and Alex (1)}

There are a lot of them! (And another coming this August!) It's a bit crazy, but I'm really getting to know their individual personalities and am really enjoying it! 

Well, I suppose that's it for now. More to catch up on tomorrow! 


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